Hub OS is derived from OpenNetBattle, splintered off from creative differences.

How We Think:
  • Accuracy is not the end goal.
    • We don't want to adopt bugs and issues from our inspirations, we want to make something truly better.

  • Listen to players and focus on QOL.
    • Not every idea has to be the default, if someone has a suggestion - no matter how bad it may seem: It's worth listening to.

      Maybe we can find a way to squeeze in an option, or we can search for another solution that works for everyone.

  • Allow creators to express themselves.
    • Restrictions on creations are for security, composability, or lack of time.

(Mostly) Unique Features:
  • MultiBattles (3+ players in battle)
  • Rollback Netcode
  • Resource Packs
  • Many, many, QOL features

Special Thanks:

  • Abigail Allbright
  • Alrysc
  • cantrem404
  • CosmicNobab
  • ChordMankey
  • Dawn Elaine
  • D3str0y3d255
  • DJRezzed
  • Dunstan
  • Ehab2020
  • FrozenLake
  • Gemini
  • Gray Nine
  • Gwyneth Hestin
  • JamesKing
  • JonTheBurger
  • KayThree
  • Keristero
  • Konstinople
  • Kuri
  • kyqurikan
  • Loui
  • Mars
  • Mint
  • Mithalan
  • Mx. Claris Glennwood
  • nickblock
  • OuroYisus
  • Pion
  • Salad
  • Shale
  • svenevs
  • theWildSushii
  • Pheelbert
  • PlayerZero
  • Poly
  • Pyredrid
  • Weenie
  • Zeek

This website was made with open source software